Financial Advisors and Asset Managers
Far East based Financial Advisors and Asset Managers.
Funds Under Management: In excess of USD 100 million.
Current Status:
Financial Advisor company, offering traditional financial services solutions to clients; and undertaking asset management through a variety of models and tailored investment solutions.
- The company needs to streamline its clients’ portfolio models and the relevant administration inherent in running them.
- To take greater control of the offerings from its individual advisors and managers.
- The company’s directors were finding the restrictions imposed by life companies on their asset selections too limiting for their clients’ needs.
- Some of their high net worth clients requested direct access to investment structures, as opposed to placing investments through life wrappers, where costs may be higher and less easy to control.
- Working with the company we devised a relatively simple Portfolio Structure, to encompass the requirements of the various clients.
- Two Funds:
- General Fund
- Regional Specific Alternative Fund
General Fund:
This fund is to provide a core holding for the majority of their clients, which are already invested within Personal Portfolio Bonds and Life Wraps.
The company has sufficient in-house resources to run the fund itself.
Regional Specific Alternative Fund:
This fund has been structured to provide the variety and extra spice sought by a proportion of their clients, who have a strong belief in the value of their local economies; and will carry a range of asset classes from Equities to Real Assets, Infrastructure Investments including Private Equity.
The company teamed up with local specialists to act as sub advisors to assist in the running of this fund.
Both Funds will have two share classes; one aimed at institutional investors and at new and existing clients investing through life contracts. The second class is structured to meet the needs of new High Net Worth, Well Informed investors investing directly.
The Benefits
- The company has full control over costs and permissible assets.
- Clients and Institutions have the security and peace of mind of investing into a Luxembourg regulated SICAV-SIF Fund.
- There is a consistency of advice by the company to its clients through its advisors.
- The Administration has been vastly simplified. The company can view all of its assets and cash holdings and only needs to issue one instruction to change the internal allocations; irrespective of whether the fund is held directly or by various life offices.
- The company can now offer a variety of products aimed at and tailored to its clients needs.
As the KMG platform is already licensed and regulated the company does not require any regulatory approval. Time to market will be approximately two weeks.
The new Funds enhance the corporate brand of the company and expose its investment prowess to a wider market. |